Programming/WEB2018. 5. 8. 23:19
<?php session_start(); setlocale(LC_ALL,'ko_KR.UTF-8'); $today = date("ymdHis",strtotime("+30 minute")); $uid = $_SESSION["member_id"]; $mp4path = $_GET["src"]; $smipath = str_replace('.mp4', '.smi',$mp4path); //자막 체크 및 인코딩 검사 if (is_file($smipath)) { $fp = fopen($smipath,"r"); $data = fread($fp,filesize($smipath)+1); $datechar = mb_detect_encoding($data ,"EUC-KR, UTF-8 , ASCII"); if($datechar=='') $datechar='UTF-16'; $data = iconv($datechar , "UTF-8", $data); } //다음 파일 체크 $end = strripos($mp4path, "/"); $dirpath = substr($mp4path , 0 , $end); $filename = substr($mp4path , $end+1 , strlen($mp4path)); $file = scandir($dirpath); $find = false; for ($i=2; $i < count($file) ; $i++) { $nextsrc = $dirpath.'/'.$file[$i]; if($find == true && pathinfo($nextsrc)['extension']=='mp4') break; if($filename == $file[$i]) $find = true; if($i==count($file)-1) $nextsrc=""; } //최근 재생파일 체크 $fileurl = "userdata/".$uid.".txt"; $fp = fopen($fileurl,"r"); $userdata = fread($fp,filesize($fileurl)+1); if($userdata==""){ $userdata = $dirpath."=".$filename; } else{ $userdata = explode("\n",$userdata); for ($i=0; $i <count($userdata) ; $i++) { if(explode('=',$userdata[$i])[0]==$dirpath) { $userdata[$i] = $dirpath."=".$filename; break; } if($i==count($userdata)-1){ $userdata[count($userdata)] = $dirpath."=".$filename; break; } } $userdata = implode("\n",$userdata); } fclose($fp); $fp = fopen($fileurl,"w"); fputs($fp, $userdata); fclose($fp); //최근파일 DB에 저장 $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "", "", ""); //DB연결 mysqli_query($con, "set session character_set_connection=utf8;"); mysqli_query($con, "set session character_set_results=utf8;"); mysqli_query($con, "set session character_set_client=utf8;"); $sql = "select * from watch where id = '$uid' and path = '$dirpath'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die(mysql_error()); //데이터를 찾아서 $count = mysqli_num_rows($result); //몇개의 데이터가 반환되었는지 확인 if($count){ $sql = "select time from watch where id = '$uid' and path = '$dirpath' and title = '$filename'"; $videotime = mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die(mysql_error()); //데이터를 찾아서 $videotime = mysqli_fetch_array($videotime)[0]; $sql = "update watch set title='$filename' where id='$uid' and path='$dirpath'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die(mysql_error()); } else{ $sql = "insert into watch values('$uid','$dirpath','$filename',0,0)"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die(mysql_error()); $videotime = 0; } $knowfilename = substr($filename , 0 , strlen($filename)-4) ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta name="author" content="LEE_SunRyong"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <?php $arr_browser = array ("iPhone","iPod","IEMobile","Mobile","lgtelecom","PPC"); for($indexi = 0 ; $indexi < count($arr_browser) ; $indexi++) { if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$arr_browser[$indexi]) == true) echo "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=320, user-scalable=yes\">"; } ?> <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/play.css'> <script src="js\jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <script><?php print("var time=".$today); ?></script> <script src='js/play.js'></script> <script src='js/chat.js'></script> <title>ALPAKA_PLAYER_<?php print($knowfilename); ?></title> </head> <body> <div style="display:none" id="infos"> <p id="dirpath"><?php print($dirpath) ?></p> <p id="id"><?php print($uid) ?></p> <p id="filename"><?php print($knowfilename) ?></p> </div> <?php $start = 0; $index = substr_count(strtoupper($data), "<SYNC START"); echo "<textarea id=\"smi\" style=\"display:none\">"; for ($i=0; $i < $index; $i++) { $start = stripos($data, "<SYNC START=",$start)+12; $end = stripos($data, ">",$start); $time = substr($data , $start , $end-$start); $end = stripos($data, ">",$end+1); $start = $end+1; $end = stripos($data, "<SYNC",$start); if($end=='') $end = stripos($data, "</BODY>",$start); $text = substr($data , $start , $end-$start); echo "$time!$$text||"; } echo "</textarea>"; ?> <!--자막 데이터를 처리합니다--> <script> var smi = document.getElementById("smi").innerHTML; smi = smi.split("||"); for (var i = 0; i < smi.length; i++) smi[i] = smi[i].split("!$"); </script> <div id='screen'> <div id='track'></div> <video id='video' style='width:100%;' onended="nextfile(<?php echo "'$nextsrc'"; ?>);" onplay="setPlayicon();" onpause="setPlayicon();" onclick="videoplay();" onloadeddata="screenPosition();timeset();setSoundbar();<?php echo "replayask('$videotime');"; ?>" onvolumechange="setSoundbar();" ontimeupdate="smiUpdate(); timebarupdate(); timeupdate(); dbupdate(<?php echo"'$dirpath','$filename'"?>)" src="<?php print($mp4path); ?>" autoplay></video> <!--컨트롤버튼 입니다--> <div id="controls"> <span id="playtime">00:00</span> <span id="maxtime">00:00</span> <div id="timebar" onclick="timemove()"><div id="timebar_full"></div></div> <img id="play" src="image/playicon.png" alt="플레이" onclick="videoplay()"> <img id="sound" src="image/soundicon.png" alt="사운드" onclick="muteunmute()"> <input id="soundbar" type="range" onchange="soundupdate()"> <img id="chatbutton" src="image/chaticon.png" alt="채팅"> <img id="episode" onclick="location.href='episode.php?path=<?php echo "$dirpath'"; ?>" src="image/listicon.png" alt="리스트"> <img id="full" src="image/fullicon.png" onclick="full()" alt="풀스크린"> </div> <input id="chatwrite_input" style="display:none;" type="text" name="" value="" placeholder="전송하려면 <ENTER>를 누르세요"> <div id="chatview"></div> </div> </body> </html>
var timer = null; var volumetemp = 0; //비디오 및 자막 위치 조정 function screenPosition(){ var myscreen = document.getElementById("screen"); var minwidth = (video.videoWidth / video.videoHeight) * window.innerHeight; var minheight = (video.videoHeight / video.videoWidth) * window.innerWidth; var topmargin = (window.innerHeight-minheight) / 2; if(minwidth<=window.innerWidth){ = minwidth +"px"; = "0px auto"; = window.innerHeight+"px"; var tracktarget = document.getElementById("track"); var subwidth = minwidth/30;"px";"px"; } else{ = "100%"; = minheight+"px"; = topmargin+"px 0px"; var tracktarget = document.getElementById("track"); var subwidth = window.innerWidth/30;"px";"px"; } } //자막 업데이트 function smiUpdate(){ var nowtime = parseInt(video.currentTime*1000); var track = document.getElementById("track"); var tracksmi = document.getElementById("smi"); if(tracksmi.innerHTML!=''){ for (var i = 0; i < smi.length; i++) { var time = parseInt(smi[i][0]); var nextarr = i+1==smi.length?'false':i+1; if(nextarr!='false') var nexttime = parseInt(smi[nextarr][0]); 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